Q: How long is shipping?
A: 10-18 business days . Sometimes faster however it depends on the item
Q: How do I track my order?
A: tracking is available in your email once your item is shipped you will be able to immediately track your order.
Q: How do I get an order update:
A: Make sure to email us at : 48-72 hours wait for a reply
Q: How do I cancel an order?
A: No cancellations after order is shipped
Q: how I do request a refund?
A: refunds are allowed from 7 days after receiving the item and the item must be damaged or incomplete with picture proof.
Q: How long is shipping?
A: 10-18 business days . Sometimes faster however it depends on the item
Q: How do I track my order?
A: tracking is available in your email once your item is shipped you will be able to immediately track your order.
Q: How do I get an order update:
A: Make sure to email us at : 48-72 hours wait for a reply
Q: How do I cancel an order?
A: No cancellations after order is shipped
Q: how I do request a refund?
A: refunds are allowed from 7 days after receiving the item and the item must be damaged or incomplete with picture proof.